A Prayer for Strength for What’s Ahead!

“ The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” (Exodus 15:2)


The Israelites stood on the banks of the Red Sea, staring across at what appeared to be a hopeless situation. Behind them, the enemy closed in (our minds.) Doubt got the better of them (me) as they expressed their cynicism to their leader, Moses. But Moses knew God had a plan and didn’t bring them (me) this far to leave them stuck.


God would show strength beyond what they could imagine—strength they would need for the journey ahead.


This familiar story recorded in Exodus 14 describes the moment Moses stretched out his staff and watched the raging waters split in two. He made away. ( Miracle)


What an awesome thing to see! God took his people across dry land then allowed the water to swallow up the (the fear) pursuing Egyptian army. He made a way where there seemed to be none, showing the Israelites  (Shinnecock) that although the road ahead would be rough, they could count on His strength to make it.


So many times, in life I’ve felt like the Israelites on that day, wedged in between bad and worse, waiting on God to act and wondering if He hears my cry for help. When I see a hard road ahead, I try to muster up the strength to push through. But, but God reassures us in His Word He will be our strength.

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